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For most people, if you asked them if they knew anything about labiaplasty their reply could be anything.  “I don’t eat Italian food.” But, those who are in the go through labiaplasty may find themselves in need of some post operative care, or nursing assistance.  If you need assistance with this, help is available.  You don’t have to recover alone. 

The labia majora are the outer lips of the vulva.  The labia minora can be found within those outer lips.  Sometime labial hypertrophy may occur.  Labial hypertrophy occurs when there is an excess of labia minora tissue. 

Sometimes childbearing, hormonal changes or aging can result in excessive labia tissue.  Genetics can also be the cause of excessive labia minora tissue.  Labia minora are more sensitive than the labia majora, that protect them.  This excess tissue can result in several complications such as vaginal laxity, stress urinary incontinence, or a loss of vaginal lubrication. 

Vaginal laxity refers to looseness in the vagina.  Often this occurs after childbirth.  Vaginal laxity often results in feeling less vaginal sensation during intercourse.  Stress urinary incontinence is when sudden forceful activities like exercise, sneezing or laughing cause urine to leak out.  And loss of vaginal lubrication is when lubrication is not produced as readily during intercourse. 

Don’t resent your funny friends, be angry at your cold, or avoid the gym.  Life must go on.  Fortunately, there may be a solution that offers some relief.  There is a procedure that can shape your labia to be shorter and more tucked in, alleviating these complications.  Clitoral hood reduction, or female genital rejuvenation.

Labiaplasty is usually an outpatient procedure, this means that you have to return home afterwards for recovery.  That means that you will most likely will have to travel home on some type of medication.  Can you imagine having to do that alone?  The good news is that you do not have to.  Postoperative support is available. 

Going through any surgery has its difficulties.  After labiaplasty the vulva will be sore and swollen.  Its recommended to take a week of of work.  Doctors also recommend wearing loose clothing for a few days to avoid excess pain.  When recovering from any surgery having an experienced post operative would be very helpful. 

Travelling while recovering from surgery can be difficult and may take additional planning.  Sometimes just making it to medical appointments can be a challenge.  Having an experienced person by your side can help with your confidence throughout the procedure.  Medical personnel use a lot of jargon, that is unfamiliar to many people. 

A private nurse before surgery in the preoperative consultation, or afterwards in the postoperative follow up, or both would ensure the best care.  Having someone that you can lean over to and whisper, “What does that mean” is assuring. 

If you dread being alone after discharge an experienced nurse can aid your recovery.  Often people overestimate what they can do after medical procedures.  Adhering to discharge instructions often presents difficulty for those without support.  When dealing with such a sensitive area, it is helpful to have someone with experience around to assist with recovery. 

The dialogue around women’s health and vaginal issues is giving many women the freedom to open up about their complications.  Women are learning about procedures that may offer them relief.  We are seeing an increase in labiaplasty and similar surgeries. 

Ladies should know that whatever the procedure, there is no longer a need to go through recovery alone.  A private nurse Atlanta is available to assist you with transportation or travel support, medical appointments, postoperative support, and wellness coaching and personal training.  We proudly serve Metro Atlanta and the surrounding areas. 

Visit our site or contact us for any questions.

Whether you are considering labiaplasty, or just reading to learn more about where you came from, if you are in the Metro Atlanta, or surrounding area postoperative care is available to you..  

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